Tuesday, December 6, 2016

My Website

This is mainly for my art class. Which may be my last art post. My website. Thank you all.

Weeks away, so much news!

Hello all.

Sorry it has been an age with my posting, I have been drowning in my school work. And even though this is made with the intention of a class, I must say my work has grabbed my attention.

Enough about me, lets talk about the matter at hand, series four. It is almost here.
I will happily make posts about all three new episodes in the new year. As a special for wednesday the 7th only, they are showing the abominable bride in theaters once more! with a preview of season 4 !
I shall post again after I see it.

Other news it is apparent BBC and PBS will air them simultaneously in the new year. With each sunday. Let us hope this remains true.

Friday, November 11, 2016


There are moments in this art class I find myself frustrated with programs. I just don't understand how with technology these days how online programs aren't compatible with popular browsers. Anyways, ignore my rambles . Here are my favorites.
 PERFECT for this blog If I must say so myself! A wonderful Sherlock Holmes. If only the words stuck in their sentence quotes like I had hoped for.
 My attempt to make art of the youtube gamers Game Grumps. These two get my through the day with their humor and realness.
 I loved and much preferred this typography. This is one of the happier pictures of myself from a trip to Henderson Settlement in Frakes, Kentucky. The words covering my face is the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley.
This didn't contain words but instead lines and waves. I love the outcome.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


A new image has been released for the new Series coming in January of 2017. It is very dark, and most likely for a reason. They said this season would be dark. Let us wait quite impatiently for the new year. 

Hey and we all know 2016 really sucked. But we are definitely starting 2017 off on the right foot! 

The Game is Afoot!
The Game is On! 

Art for Computers

Hello All

I am sorry for the delay of post, I have been wrapped in the hell of adulting with school and work. I am back however. SO allow me to post the art post of the week ! 

 This lovely first image is what we had to do this week. Understand the workings of computers and place them into an image. I chose a picture of my high school in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I am quite proud of them.
This however is my PC build. I am very proud of her. I had help from one of my roommates, however this gorgeous beast does all that a computer should. She is art within herself. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Video Mashup for Class

Hello and welcome to another art post. I had a ton of fun with this weeks project, just posting a little late thanks to my busy work schedule. I hope you enjoy. I'd like to thank my friends and fraternity brother used in the video for allowing me to film your band Ice Cream Militia, even without your sound.


Watch Video Here

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Keeping up with the Watsons

Not a compelling title, but decent enough to focus on the drama in their lives. It is obvious after series three that John and Mary Watson are far from having a fairy tale marriage. I'll shoot my husbands best friend so I can have him all to myself because my husband doesn't realize he still loves Sherlock. Ah yes that will show him my love and affection. 

Honestly Mary what were you thinking? 

But what does series four have in store for the Watson's? (Besides the baby, most likely named Hamish even if they claim its a girl. I honestly hope it disappears or something, not a necessary character.) 

It was shown during TSoT (The Sign of Three), that John himself was begging for a distraction from his own wedding. Major Sholto is going to die, but if we recall series one John was pissed at Sherlock for ruining a date with Sarah at the Chinese circus. Doesn't seem too upset to be leaving his brand new wife now does he. 

We must also remember John being shown having dreams of Sherlock and their adventures while laying next to his wife in bed. He jumps on picking up the neighbors son from the drug den the minute help is needed because he is bored. Married life bores him. 

Lets not forget the most uncomfortable scene of them all. 

A simple hug of forgiveness. Yes that should fix things Mary. Lets take a moment to observe the misery on John's face. They are not a happy couple, and most likely will stay that way. 

Until Series Four releases more. 

Here listen to this song I made.

It has a spooky scary vibe

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Series Rewatch

Often times I find myself stressed, either from life or school, I end up re-watching the series. I often look for a friend who hasn't seen it and half force them to watch it until they get hooked themselves. My roommate Ben has been my latest victim in this matter, however he is now asking when we can move forward into series three. I wonder how he will take the emotional side of Mr. Sherlock Holmes. We will see after I re-watch the Sign of Three. 

Sunday, September 25, 2016


The day has arrived!! Two of Series Four titles have been released today!

Episode one: The Six Thatchers

Episode Two: The Lying Detective

Things are growing exciting!! The game is on. Let us hope for a release date soon!

Art with Flames

The final projects for this week have arrived, and I must say they are by far my favorite. Enjoy my art made of flames. 
Now, this was made with a different program that painted to music, this piece I am naming after the song it painted to, Chocolate Jesus. 
The feeling I was trying to portray here was calm/relaxed. Typically blues are associated with sadness, but the light levels and white features bring out a more calming feeling

The feeling portrayed above is love, with its cousin lust featured below. I felt the need to add both after messing around with the program for a while. I portrayed Love in a more symmetrical way, to display the two sides to the feeling, with both persons. It seems tangled, and that is on purpose. Love is complicated. 

Lust, a fiery mistress easily confused for her cousin love. I began to capture what looked to be a fireball, which lead to the cousin art pieces. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Official Season 4 photo revealed!

I am over excited to announce that BBC has released the first official photo for the new season of Sherlock!

Take a look at the boys! They look as brilliant as ever. I enjoy the fact that the photo is much darker than the originals on a white background. The upcoming season is going to be dark so they've said. I'm looking forward to more promotions!

Animoto Video Two

The second cut to the video I made for class. With the proper audio this time! I enjoy this feature photo set filter. Perhaps I will use it for Sherlock sometime.

Animoto Video Two
Enjoy this "music" made around the house. Again for my art class.


Friday, September 9, 2016

Animoto Video 1

Posting a video of sorts, more of a slideshow. Please enjoy. The next edit will have my own "music" attached. As hopefully by then I can understand why a file cannot transfer without other files. Its complex.

Animoto Video 1

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

This post is for my darling roommates. They are the main readers of my blog so far that I can tell. So here you go my darlings, your aesthetically pleasing pictures.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Teaser Trailer

Even though this isn't new news since the teaser trailer was released over the summer, I still feel the need to discuss it. New content after all! 

  • Somethings coming! We easily want to point fingers at Moriarty since his face pops up all over England at the end of season three. It's easily determined in the special The Abominable Bride, that Moriarty is indeed dead. Now there has been theories about Moriarty having a twin brother, even speculated by Watson himself, or having a false body portray him on the roof during Reichenbach Fall. The show has used this tactic a couple other times, so it is possible Moriarty could be out there after all. There, however, are other villains now introduced. Could Mary be working for his network this whole time? 
  • Who is this new mystery villain. Introducing himself around 0:36 seconds? 
  • Its not a game? Molly finally has stood up to Sherlock, and must we say she has grown quite a spine since slapping him for drug use in season three. I'm quite proud of Miss Hooper. This could be part of one of Sherlock's many on goings that upset Molly, or this could be the final straw for Sherlock. Moffat did mention this season would be dark after all. 
  • Sherlock scared in the morgue? This is shown a few times, after Mycroft is heard saying his demons have been waiting for a long time. Could we back inside the mind palace ? or could this be another bad cocaine trip for the detective?
  • An evil shot of Billy, Sherlock's self claimed protege? Has he sabotaged Sherlock, or is he the missing Holmes brother that only Mycroft knows of?
  • MRS. HUDSON. I AM IN SHOCK. Someone grab me a blanket. Mycroft must've done something horrible to deserve her to stand up to him like that. 
  • 1:07 Moriarty??????? 
I must say there is only so much to go off of in a minute, Yet here we are already making deductions. Notice how nothing was shown about the baby Watson. I hope it doesn't play too large of a role in the season.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Edited Faces

Once again, so sorry for the class posts. I do have Sherlock content coming this weekend. My life is quite hectic right now, and the fact I have managed to squeeze in time to make posts for class is a miracle. Its only the second week of school but this is a much needed holiday weekend. Any ways, for my professor, my "destroyed" (edited)  faces of my housemates.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Five Photos for Class

Hello once again. May I call you readers fellow detectives? Most likely I can not, seeing that there aren't many people in the world blessed with the title detective, and here I don't believe any detectives are reading my blog.  Fair warning, like I gave in my intro, I have started this for class. Therefore I must post things for a grade when necessary.

Below I am including my five favorite edits that we have made over the week, with a little biography of each. I hope you enjoy the photographs themselves.
One of the gorgeous bridges extending over the Ohio River between Cincinnati and Kentucky. I love the edits I placed on the water. It feels more realistic than the original photograph. 

I took this image several weeks ago on a summer day. I felt like walking down the university parks trail to take images, cutting through the woods for a train tack shot. This is one of several I had taken, but the detail of the leaves and rocks between the tracks is beautiful. 

Above is my precious pocket trumpet. I bought this for myself on my 16th birthday. Even in a monochromatic image, I feel it fails to capture the beauty of the horn itself. 

Above is one of the many pictures I had taken from the bowl game in Boca Raton last winter. I had never seen the ocean so beautiful and pure like that day. 

 Waiting for warm ups in concert arcs in marching band. The sun caught my eye, so I took this photo. The shine on my trumpet (average sized compared to my pocket above) was perfect in the original. However I feel the filter I placed over the image pulls out the beauty in it more. It brings me a sense of happiness looking at it. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

In the upcoming week for my class we are focusing on photography. Now, one can photograph anything, but more specifically we are focusing on details.

"You see, but you do not observe."

Now there is no better way to relate this to Sherlock. Details, details, details. What details can we point out of every day situations? Photography in a sense is like making deductions based on pure observations. You simply must look at something from an angle no one usually would. Make the ordinary extraordinary!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hello and welcome to my blog.

 I've started this for a class I am currently taking at the University of Toledo. I'm using this specific post as a  "know the blogger". If you recognize the title of my blog you will soon realize what the main portion of my posts will be about. Sherlock, more specifically BBC's latest series creation of it. I have grown quite fond of the show since I began watching after season one. I intend to bring forth discussion on the show and its development as series four approaches. 

With that said, I have also mentioned I started this for a class. So on occasion there will be posts for classwork intermixed. If at all possible I will set up a separate folder or link to those posts, possibly even after the class has ended. 

Remember to observe, not just see.
