Monday, September 5, 2016

Teaser Trailer

Even though this isn't new news since the teaser trailer was released over the summer, I still feel the need to discuss it. New content after all! 

  • Somethings coming! We easily want to point fingers at Moriarty since his face pops up all over England at the end of season three. It's easily determined in the special The Abominable Bride, that Moriarty is indeed dead. Now there has been theories about Moriarty having a twin brother, even speculated by Watson himself, or having a false body portray him on the roof during Reichenbach Fall. The show has used this tactic a couple other times, so it is possible Moriarty could be out there after all. There, however, are other villains now introduced. Could Mary be working for his network this whole time? 
  • Who is this new mystery villain. Introducing himself around 0:36 seconds? 
  • Its not a game? Molly finally has stood up to Sherlock, and must we say she has grown quite a spine since slapping him for drug use in season three. I'm quite proud of Miss Hooper. This could be part of one of Sherlock's many on goings that upset Molly, or this could be the final straw for Sherlock. Moffat did mention this season would be dark after all. 
  • Sherlock scared in the morgue? This is shown a few times, after Mycroft is heard saying his demons have been waiting for a long time. Could we back inside the mind palace ? or could this be another bad cocaine trip for the detective?
  • An evil shot of Billy, Sherlock's self claimed protege? Has he sabotaged Sherlock, or is he the missing Holmes brother that only Mycroft knows of?
  • MRS. HUDSON. I AM IN SHOCK. Someone grab me a blanket. Mycroft must've done something horrible to deserve her to stand up to him like that. 
  • 1:07 Moriarty??????? 
I must say there is only so much to go off of in a minute, Yet here we are already making deductions. Notice how nothing was shown about the baby Watson. I hope it doesn't play too large of a role in the season.

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