Tuesday, December 6, 2016

My Website

This is mainly for my art class. Which may be my last art post. My website. Thank you all.

Weeks away, so much news!

Hello all.

Sorry it has been an age with my posting, I have been drowning in my school work. And even though this is made with the intention of a class, I must say my work has grabbed my attention.

Enough about me, lets talk about the matter at hand, series four. It is almost here.
I will happily make posts about all three new episodes in the new year. As a special for wednesday the 7th only, they are showing the abominable bride in theaters once more! with a preview of season 4 !
I shall post again after I see it.

Other news it is apparent BBC and PBS will air them simultaneously in the new year. With each sunday. Let us hope this remains true.

Friday, November 11, 2016


There are moments in this art class I find myself frustrated with programs. I just don't understand how with technology these days how online programs aren't compatible with popular browsers. Anyways, ignore my rambles . Here are my favorites.
 PERFECT for this blog If I must say so myself! A wonderful Sherlock Holmes. If only the words stuck in their sentence quotes like I had hoped for.
 My attempt to make art of the youtube gamers Game Grumps. These two get my through the day with their humor and realness.
 I loved and much preferred this typography. This is one of the happier pictures of myself from a trip to Henderson Settlement in Frakes, Kentucky. The words covering my face is the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley.
This didn't contain words but instead lines and waves. I love the outcome.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


A new image has been released for the new Series coming in January of 2017. It is very dark, and most likely for a reason. They said this season would be dark. Let us wait quite impatiently for the new year. 

Hey and we all know 2016 really sucked. But we are definitely starting 2017 off on the right foot! 

The Game is Afoot!
The Game is On! 

Art for Computers

Hello All

I am sorry for the delay of post, I have been wrapped in the hell of adulting with school and work. I am back however. SO allow me to post the art post of the week ! 

 This lovely first image is what we had to do this week. Understand the workings of computers and place them into an image. I chose a picture of my high school in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I am quite proud of them.
This however is my PC build. I am very proud of her. I had help from one of my roommates, however this gorgeous beast does all that a computer should. She is art within herself. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Video Mashup for Class

Hello and welcome to another art post. I had a ton of fun with this weeks project, just posting a little late thanks to my busy work schedule. I hope you enjoy. I'd like to thank my friends and fraternity brother used in the video for allowing me to film your band Ice Cream Militia, even without your sound.


Watch Video Here